
Showing posts from May, 2022

Blog #11: SPARCC Summary

 Hello Again all, For this week's blog post I decided I would attend a student run presentation that covered the complexities, norms, and double standards that are shown while analyzing gender roles in hour music media. I decided to attend this presentation because I thought it would have the most significant/relevant findings that can be tied into current events happening today in music media. While attending this event I learned a number of many interesting thoughts, ideas, and insights into how gender roles are present in music media and how it affects our relationships with people of differing gender identities. This is is what I learned: Women are portrayed as passive objects within music media today which presenters believe to be very problematic in terms of its portal of women. Causing increase acceptance of objectification of women within our society. While also negatively influencing the minds of our youth who may not be able to discern the complexities of the objectifyin