
Showing posts from February, 2022

Impression Management Blog Post

 Hello again bloggers, After this week's unit on Impression Management I have a good deal of thoughts and reflections I would like to share with you guys regarding this naturally occurring phenomenon. First I'd like to define Impression Management as it was defined to us in class this week.  According to the Stamp reading this week Impression Management is defined as "the process by which individuals attempt to control others’ perceptions, is pervasive in social interaction" (Stamp 2005). To sum up this definition in my own words, I'd say impression management is when an individual attempts to share parts of themselves with another that they believe will be perceived as favorable/likable. There are three main reason that were covered in the reading as to why we exhibit such behavior. A desire for social acceptance, a desire to maintain & develop relationships, and finally the desire to experiment with one's identity. Personally I don't really believe i

New Media Journal

Hello my beloved blog viewers, Last week in our COMM 373 Social Media students were asked to keep a log of their media usage for a week to observe what our personal media consumption general looks like. I was very interested to find out what my media patterns would look like over the course of the week, so I decided to physically journal out each time I used my phone or laptop while providing a brief description of the purpose and the duration of the usage taking place. The results of this quick self evaluation was quite eye opening.  I found the ogging to be much less tedious than I originally anticipated. I usually make a conscious effort not to be on my phone too often. Especially when I first wake up and when I am with other people. I don't like checking messages too early in the morning because I feel as if it will affect my initial productivity for the day. Luckily having swim practice every morning helps keep me from putting any attention to my social media accounts when I w