
Showing posts from March, 2022

Personal Branding

 Hello all,      This week in class we extended our understanding of theory of impression management and applied it to what our new readings have been about. That being what a personal brand is and how we create, maintain, and endorse our brands appropriately. Creating a personal brand online requires an attention to detail to in a variety of different categories including generating an online persona, having a consistent online presence, and some knowledge of online professionalism. Monitoring online reactions to content posted and listening to feedback is also a very important part of keeping messages from one's personal brand positive and help with creating next steps towards managing one's brand. We also learned that it is very important when crafting a personal brand to maintain a similar in person persona/characteristics as you do offline/IRL.       This is because if supporters/content consumers of your personal brand uncover a lack of authenticity within your content, i

Blog Post #5: Reflection of the Semester so Far

 Hello my fellow bloggers, Happy to be back from spring break and to be sharing my thoughts with you all once again. Since taking COMM 373 Social Media I have learned a great deal about different definitions, phenomenon, viewpoints, and behaviors we as social media users may display or emulate through their online presence/footprint. One of the very several topics I have found fascinating while learning more about it was impression management. Impression management is a concept first introduced to us in the Goffman text in and is defined as "a conscious decision on part of the individual to reveal certain aspects of the self & to conceal other, as actors do when performing on stage" (Gottman 1959). I found this topic and definition to be very interesting because not only does impression management take place on out social media accounts daily, but it also takes place IRL (in real life) in most of our everyday interactions. I also very much enjoyed learning about the 3 rea