Blog #8

 Hello all,

As a child I imagined that when I got older that I would be able to work multiple different jobs a week. Monday I would be a firefighter, Tuesday I'd see my patient at the hospital as a doctor, and by friday I would be flying from one tropical destination to another as a pilot. However, as I got older and realized a lifestyle I longed for as a kid was impractical to say the least. As I got older and became aware of the possible professions I would endeavour to pursue, the only thing that they all had in common was helping others however my talents would allow me. After graduating high school and coming to the mount I was set on pursuing a career in political science and business so I would eventually become a lawyer. But as I grew into adulthood and higher education my thought process begin to grow as well. I no longer had, what I would call a juvenile outlook on the world and realized that the world isn't as black and white as I imagined while i was younger. I become more social, economically, and politically aware of the country I call home and  it completely changed the trajectory of where I thought my future was headed. 

Social media made a great many leaps and bounds as I progressed through school. Similar to technology and how everyone now a day's has a smartphone. With these advancements come the ability/phenomenon to document our lives in real time, which most of us do readily for one reason or another. This is what also lead to the forced transparency of the injustices that are perpetrated by not only civilians, but also by the enforces of our laws that are sworn to protect the rights and lives of United States citizens. Evidence of injustice, corruption, and excessive use of force against minorities is no longer something we can attribute to a couple bad apples within our criminal justice system. It has become very clear to me that as a black man living in america, the system to which our laws, economy, and infrastructure was created was never set in place to allow equal opportunity and freedom for people that looked like me. The faith I had in the laws ability to serve true justice was progressively stripped away from me the more social media uncovered the true face of what our country seems to value more than peace, liberty, freedom, and even justice. That being power, money, and influence. All of which our previous president showed us to be the only true proprietor of freedom in the United States. For those reasons, I decided that I would not work or serve in the current government in any form. I decided that I would do whatever I can to attain a sense of purpose and freedom in this world by helping others however I can in the career I still haven't totally pieced together yet.


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